Pay ATTENTION to the NOUNS!!! (Ep. 145; 8/1/19)

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While listening to the 3 year anniversary of the Side Hustle Pro podcast hosted by Nicaila Matthews Okome earlier this month, she mentioned speaking at conferences such as #Summit21 presented by 21Ninety founded by Morgan DeBaun and Woman Evolve founded by Sarah Jakes Roberts. As soon as she dropped the names of these conferences I thought that I would record a video entitled, “Pay ATTENTION to the NOUNS!!! (people, places, things, and ideas)…”⁣

When we pay SUPER CLOSE ATTENTION to the people, places, things, and ideas that we encounter in our daily interactions, we expand our intellectual palate (knowledge, insight, relationships, resources, etc). Through expanding our intellectual palate, we are then able to create the connections and build the relationships that enable us to make a difference in the lives of others while also having our lives impacted by those around us.


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking brand strategist, curator, and educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development and social impact. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Behind The Hustle, Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about bridging the gap and building value between brands, communities, and culture. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

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What Do We Value?

What do we value? On Saturday November 5, 2016 I attended Ayana Iman’s, #AuthenticConvos event at Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. While I was there, I revisited some of my thoughts from earlier that day inspired by Joel Brown‘s #Addicted2Success podcast interview with Dr. John Demartini:

In this interview, Dr. Demartini mentioned the importance of values and how they predict the trajectory of where we go in life. In turn, this made me ask the following questions:

1. What do we value?

2. What do we give the most energy to?

3. Who do we give the most energy to?

4. Where do we spend the most time?

5. Who do we spend the most time with?

6. What do we spend the most time doing?

7. Who do we associate with?

8. Where do we want to see ourselves in life?

Ultimately, all of these questions allow us to reflect upon our true values. Now, let’s ask ourselves…”What do we really value?”


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking brand strategist, curator, and educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development and social impact. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Behind The Hustle, Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about bridging the gap and building value between brands, communities, and culture. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

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Why Is Content So Important?

Brand Storytelling Quote

This past October 2017, I had the great honor and privilege of being interviewed by the CEO of NewsmodoRakhal Ebeli for their Brand Storytelling podcast. Throughout the course of our conversation, we spoke about my work in the fields of branding, content development, and education. In addition, we also discussed the importance of bridging the gap between brands, communities, and culture.

I was first introduced to the work of Newsmodo and Rakhal Ebeli after listening to their interview with Julian Mitchell on the topic of, “What Does “Content” Actually Mean?” After listening to this interview, I was inspired to compose a quick write-up on LinkedIn. My written piece was aimed at addressing the importance of building stories around the history of our products and services. As Julian mentioned in his interview with Rakhal, “The best brands in the world aren’t the companies or the products. It’s the spirit that represents the brand! Nike is a great brand that people purchase because it represents the spirit of any athlete that aspires to excellence.”

Here is my exact post:


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A few days after posting this article and sharing my thoughts, I connected with Katherine Auchterlonie who is the Digital Marketing Manager at Newsmodo. About one month later, after learning more about one another’s work, I received a message from Katherine asking me if I would be interested in joining Newsmodo as a guest on their Brand Storytelling podcast. Of course I said yes. More importantly, a key thing worth mentioning here goes as follows:

Due to this, I want to stress the importance of staying strong and true to the messages we believe in and subscribe to. For years I have been creating and developing content. Although my content may not get many eyeballs…yet, I take the eyeballs that my work does garner very seriously. The content I do have allows people from all areas of life to identify a touchpoint which they may be able to resonate with. This is why creating content is so important when it comes to building relationships and creating opportunities for ourselves and others. Every time we publish an article, podcast, video, etc…it’s an opportunity to either positively or negatively impact someone else’s life. I personally choose the former. As a result, my content is a reflection of my brand, character, personality, mission, and vision.

There are always experiences and stories we can share and tell. Those who decide to do so are usually those who end up creating an impact on the lives of others. This is my mission. I discuss this mission in further detail with Rakhal throughout the span of our 18 minute conversation. This conversation is being broadcasted from my home in New Brunswick, NJ and his workplace in Australia.

In this interview, I discuss my work with Behind The Hustle, Driven Society, and We LOVE Hub City. I also discuss my admiration for Gary Vaynerchuk and the importance of building brand one interaction at a time. In addition, I share how and when I was first introduced to Fast Company magazine and why I’m inspired by brands such as H&M, Ikea, Warby Parker, and TOMS. Lastly, I share how curating and remixing culture will continue to allow us to form more meaningful and impactful relationships throughout the course of the future.

– Enjoy!!!


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking brand strategist, curator, and educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development and social impact. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Behind The Hustle, Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about bridging the gap and building value between brands, communities, and culture. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

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Highly Favored: The Winners Circle

On Saturday July 29, 2017, Wa Boogie of Highly Favored Clothing hosted her first event at Greenhouse Loft in Highland Park, New Jersey entitled, “The Winners Circle“. The Winners Circle aims to empower and inspire up and coming creatives to pursue their dreams and leverage their passions.

Moderated by Cat Peoples, the panel consisted of Jessica Franklin (Heygorjess), Gia Peppers, and Khalil Malamug who are all respectively building their own brands and creating their own lanes in the worlds of business, fashion, and media.

For more on this event as well as future events, please be sure to check out Highly Favored Clothing on Facebook for the latest. Ohhhhh…we almost forgot, “How can you look like the brother and sister duo in the photos wearing Highly Favored?”

…We got you covered, be sure to check out:!!!


A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group is a brand development agency and content platform. We specialize in brand strategy, content development, and storytelling. With an emphasis on culture and lifestyle, the primary focus of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group is to bridge the gap and build value between brands, communities, and culture. Our social mission is to leverage the influence of popular culture to create social change and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership. We are driven by AMBITION, fueled by PASSION, inspired by INNOVATION, and suckers for STRATEGY!

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We Are The CHANGE!

New Brunswick Pic

Photo via @welovehubcity taken by Dewon Wilson.

Every day we wake up is a day where we are given an opportunity to answer the following question, “How might we go about making our world a better place?”

We all have different duties and hold different positions, roles, and responsibilities throughout this massive planet: We are activists. We are artists. We are builders. We are creators. We are doctors. We are educators. We are entrepreneurs. We are fighters. We are lawyers. We are leaders. We are CHANGE!

Regardless of our “title”, we are absolutely the change we wish to see in the world. When we see a challenge, it is up to us to utilize whatever skills, talents, and resources we can bring to the table to address the challenges we see around us. Although as individuals we may fail to solve many, as communities working together, we can and will eventually find solutions to our challenges.

We are the exact CHANGE we’re looking for!

What are we doing TODAY to manifest our GREATEST potential?

Words inspired by Keith Jones II.

Photography by Dewon Wilson of Dewon Wilson Photography.


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking Brand Strategist, Cultural Curator, and Educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Behind The Hustle, Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about bridging the gap and building value between brands, communities, and culture. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

How Might We Start? (Curate Culture)

How might we start? Curate culture. Promote and support the work of others! Earlier this morning, I was listening to Gary Vaynerchuk’s audio experience podcast on SoundCloud when he mentioned the following, “There’s no excuse for not talking to the world, it just doesn’t have to be our thoughts and words every time.” When I heard this, I thought of one of the sayings I’ve been sharing with people from one of my videos on Instagram back in August 2016 which goes as follows, “When we share our message with the world, we begin to attract opportunities that align with that message.”

Let’s get out there and start doing something. It doesn’t have to be “perfect.” It’s impossible to improve, iterate, and pivot if we have yet to start anything. Curate culture. Curate lifestyle. We are all curators. Our life is a museum and we choose what we want to put on display. If we’re afraid to start a website, start something on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Let’s use the environment, tools, and resources we have around us. Why settle for excuses?

For example, because I live here in New Brunswick, New Jersey, I was inspired to create a community engagement platform entitled, “We Love Hub City” aimed at promoting positivity and inspiring the City of New Brunswick, NJ. We curate the culture, lifestyle, and pulse of the city in which we live. This has led to many great opportunities to build relationships with people who I don’t even have to travel to see! How about that for convenience?

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Screenshot of We LOVE Hub City.

In closing, I really want to see people win. I want to see US WIN! I’m here to build, connect, empower, and inspire others to take action towards fulfilling their dreams. In order for me to continue walking towards my purpose, I must also continue to take action. Let’s take action together!

S/O to Gary Vaynerchuk, VaynerMedia, and Team GaryVee for continuing to put out amazing content and inspire the world to live legendary and leave a legacy. P.S…”Patience and progress is necessary yet speed and execution is everything.”


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking Brand Strategist, Cultural Curator, and Educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, Universal Music Group, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about helping companies adapt to culture and building value between brands and their consumers centered around love. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

The Compassionate New Yorker: jeffstaple


Photo via

On Saturday February 4, 2017, I happened to interrupt my morning routine in an effort to catch up on some Instagram stories. While perusing through my stories, I happened to come across the feed of jeffstaple. As I made time to scroll through Jeff’s stories, I witnessed something that not only caught my attention, but very quickly caught my heart.

At around 1 am that Saturday morning, Jeff happened to observe someone waiting in the frigid cold temperature at a bus stop in his neighborhood in New York City. Thanks to his compassion, empathy, and mindfulness, Jeff decided to help out his fellow companion by calling them a ride to take them wherever they may have needed to go.

Photo via jeffstaple.

Photo via jeffstaple.


Photo via jeffstaple.

I find this story to be super inspiring as well as a great act of random kindness (please check out As a native New Yorker (I now reside in New Jersey), I often understand why we get bashed for our fast-paced, care-free lifestyle. We see so much happening in our day to day environment that it’s easy to feel as though in order to survive and not be taken advantage of, we must close our eyes and cover our ears to the realities and overstimulating demands of our environment. As a result, we often become numb to the need for compassion and taking care of others.

The reason why I decided to share this story is because I personally believe that we need to see more stories like this in our headlines. Amidst the over saturation of negativity which will often find a way to dominate our timelines and social media feeds, we need to expose ourselves to stories which help to promote positivity and inspire our communities. Regardless of whatever region of the world we may currently live in, we can all make a small choice and take a small action which can help to make a HUGE difference in the life of someone else. Let’s ask ourselves, what will our world look like when compassion becomes contagious? How can we spread a positive social contagion?


Photo via Jordan Cuellar.


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking Brand Strategist, Cultural Curator, and Educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, Universal Music Group, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about helping companies adapt to culture and building value between brands and their consumers centered around love. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

Loving It: The LIFT Project!


Photo via The LIFT Project.

We came across The LIFT Project on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 after checking out the hashtag for one of our brands, #WeLOVEHubCity. After checking out a few posts within our community, we came across Michelle Perez (thanks for supporting the hashtag). Not only is Michelle one of the co-leaders of the The LIFT Project, she is also a wedding planner based right here in New Brunswick, New Jersey!



Photo via The LIFT Project.

Upon looking further into The LIFT Project, we were really intrigued by both the aesthetic and style in which their message was presented. We initially came across their flyer for their 1 year anniversary conference entitled, “For The Culture” which will be taking place this Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 10 am – 3 pm at 95 Cambridge Drive in Aberdeen, NJ 07747. It definitely looks exciting!


Photo via Michelle Perez.

Why Do We Love The LIFT Project?

We absolutely admire and love how a group of young adults are giving themselves permission to create a community based on faith and good intentions. At The LIFT Project, they seek to inspire and provoke change. In addition, they also support the journey of one another through sharing both personal experiences and aspirations. This in itself is what we would identify as the true essence of building meaningful relationships.

We’re definitely looking forward to hearing and learning more about The LIFT Project as they continue to expand their brand in an effort to spread their message of strength, love, joy, and purpose. This is a message that we all certainly align with here at A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group. As a result, we know that with movements such as The LIFT Project, the world will continue to remain in great hands regardless of any turmoil we may have to endure. As long as we are in God’s hands, we are in great hands!


A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group is a brand development agency that specializes in creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. With an emphasis on culture and lifestyle, the primary focus of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group is to help companies adapt to culture and build value between brands and their consumers centered around love. Our social mission is to leverage the influence of popular culture to create social change and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership. We are driven by AMBITION, fueled by PASSION, inspired by INNOVATION, and suckers for STRATEGY!

The Story Behind: Speaking at Fresh Start

As we quickly march into 2017, I’m super excited to announce that I have been booked for my first official public speaking engagement at the 2017 Young Adults Fresh Start Conference. The Fresh Start conference will take place on Saturday January 14, 2017 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Harvest International Pentecostal Church of Christ in Newark, NJ. I am honored to be speaking alongside of Pastor Ryan Faison, Elder Evans Pierre, and Minister Nyle Fort.

I was invited to speak at The Fresh Start conference thanks to one of the organizers, Garmeterick Moore whom I met this past summer (2016) in Newark, NJ while driving for Uber. Who would have thought that I would end up meeting a complete “stranger” in my second summer driving for Uber who would eventually offer me my first public speaking engagement? Oddly enough, although I am super thankful, I am not quite surprised. I say this because I am a firm believer in how the magic of the universe tends to manifest answers and opportunities at just the right moments. More importantly, I believe that when we live our life on purpose, we prepare ourselves to leverage opportunities which fulfill our purpose.

Fast forward a few months and on Sunday December 18, 2016, I received the following text message which to my pleasant surprise was completely unexpected:

[Disclaimer] This screenshot was published with the permission of both participants involved in the dialogue via text message.

This goes to show, we never know the type of impact just one (sometimes short) interaction with someone else might have on their impression of us. Our reputation is our resume. Great conversations help to create great opportunities. The only limits we abide by are those which we put upon ourselves. It’s about time for us to break free and flip the narrative. We all have an experience to share. We all have a moment to share. We all have a story to share. The only thing that is stopping us from getting to where we would like to be in life is the action required to get there. So…how do we take action in an effort to discover and fulfill our purpose and vision? Stay tuned for more!!!


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking Brand Strategist, Cultural Curator, and Educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, Universal Music Group, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about helping companies adapt to culture and building value between brands and their consumers centered around love. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.

Why Expose Our Children to GMO’s?


Photo courtesy of Facebook.

On Sunday October 31, 2016 at around 1:15 am, I happened to make an (un)routine stop to pick up a late night/early morning snack at my local 7-Eleven. As I conducted my routine analysis of product labels, I was surprised to notice a “Produced with Genetic Engineering” label that appeared on the back of a carton of “Zesty Salsa” Pringles. In an effort to make sure that I was indeed seeing things correctly, I was then compelled to check the back of a nearby package of Cheez-It crackers. Low and behold, the same exact label was there again, “Produced with Genetic Engineering.” I began to notice a pattern. More importantly, I drew an instant connection to my observation of what our children are consuming on a daily basis in our schools, especially within our inner-city communities.

What Have I Observed?

I am currently an educator who works in the public school system. In my five years working for various school districts, I have payed particularly close attention to the food being served to our student population of young children and adolescents.

Here in the State of New Jersey, we have a “School Breakfast Program.” According to the State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture, “This program is aimed at providing a nutritious and well-balanced breakfast in order to promote sound eating habits and foster good health and academic achievement in school age children.” Although I am quite thankful for an initiative aimed at providing food to our children who are most in need, I am also quite concerned about the companies who provide this food. Many of these companies such as Kellogg and General Mills own brands including Cheerios, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, and Rice Krispies. Although these brands only represent a small portion of the Kellogg and General Mills portfolio, they certainly represent a much larger portion of the food being served to our children in schools for breakfast across the country.

For many reasons, I never agreed with the consumption of the ingredients in certain foods and snacks in our schools (ex: high-fructose corn syrup in ketchup). However, until now…it was never quite “apparent” that the food being offered to our children would blatantly contain ingredients produced with Genetic Engineering.

G.M.O. Labeling


Photo courtesy of Food Business News.

After conducting some additional research, I have come to learn that on July 29, 2016, President Barack Obama signed a G.M.O. labeling bill (S. 764). “This bill directs the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a national mandatory bioengineered food disclosure standard” as mentioned by Jeff Gelski of Food Business News. Mark Bittman of The New York Times also disclosed that, “The new law mandates that the Department of Agriculture define what constitutes a genetically modified food ingredient and then requires food manufacturers to label products that contain them.

At this point in time, there still seems to be a lot of controversy and disappointment behind the underlining elements of this bill for a number of reasons according to Carey Wedler of

Here are a few:

  1. Food companies are not necessarily required to label genetically modified products in “text” form.
  2. Food derived from an animal is not to be considered bioengineered.
  3. Eggs will also not be subject to GM labels.

Okay, although there may be quite a bit of controversy and disappointment, I personally believe that the G.M.O. labeling bill is indeed a step forward. Can it be improved? Yes. Can the language be more clear and concise? Yes. However, what are some actions we can take as citizens, communities, and consumers to become more informed and enlightened in regards to what we decide to put on our plates?

How Can We Avoid G.M.O.’s?


Photo courtesy of Boston Organics.

1. Pay Attention

As consumers, we are often driven by habit. We subscribe to and support “legacy” brands such as Cheerios, Froot Loops, M&M’s, and Pop-Tarts on a daily basis without question. For much of our lives, we express no concern about the ingredients these products may often contain. It is second nature for us to load our shopping carts with these items because we are so conditioned within our cultural and dietary traditions to do so. I truly believe that now is the time to begin paying very close attention to everything that we decide to put into our bodies in an effort to discover better solutions and sustainable options.

2. Research

I come across many “eco-friendly” and “sustainable” food, health, and household products on a regular basis. Every time I peruse through the aisles of stores such as Wegmans, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s, I stumble upon something new. Surprisingly, some of these products have actually been around for longer than we may think. For example, my family has been using Dr. Bronner’s since I was a very young child. This dates back to when Dr. Bronner’s was primarily sold at local neighborhood health food stores. Funny enough, I happened to catch Dr. Bronner’s being stocked at Food Town just the other day. A lot has changed in 25 years.

3. Support

Once we come across items that we deem to be suitable and sustainable for our health and wellness needs, it’s important that we begin to support companies with our pockets (until proven otherwise). Yes, healthier options are often more costly, but…”What is the cost of our health?” Why shouldn’t our grocery store aisles stock more of the food that is actually healthy for us? Why shouldn’t we deserve to live longer?

In closing, “What can we do as a community to protect the health and well-being of our children? More importantly, what can we do to provide healthy and sustainable food for those who live in our communities of much needed assistance?”


(Uh • Kway • Us) Aquaus Kelley is a forward-thinking Brand Strategist, Cultural Curator, and Educator. As the Founder of A Lovers Ambition Lifestyle Group, he specializes in identifying talent and creating opportunities for brand development, exposure, and growth. Aquaus has worked with companies and organizations such as Cornerstone Agency, City Year Miami, Universal Music Group, and W Hotels. He is extremely passionate about helping companies adapt to culture and building value between brands and their consumers centered around love. His ultimate mission is to use his influence to project positivity across the globe and invest in the collective future of society through the arts, education, entertainment, and leadership.